How Did You And Me Become Disconnected Dennis Hartman Solo Vocal and Guitar An Original Song

3 years ago

What happened to my hometown in San Jose, California? More and more people are becoming homeless!

And how do you get people to address the problem of homelessness?

Write a song to show how disconnected people have become to addressing the problem, and then play to a video backdrop of an actual homeless encampment. That's how you bring people's attention to the problem.

Or at least that's what I originally thought.

Until I realized you can't stop politicians from grand standing and hijacking a problem to win votes and elevate themselves to higher positions of power.

Sadly this seems to be the current trend of Bay Area politics...

I hope that, by bringing this to light, it will also bring awareness to what's being done or not being done, and the changes that need to be made to solve this problem.

Video Credits:
Videography by Molly Hartman
Video Editing by Dennis Hartman



How did you and me
Become disconnected?
Are we
Canceled and rejected?
And when
The problem’s dissected
It’s clear
We’ve both been infected...

Verse 1
Don’t want homeless people
In their neighborhood…
Between feces and the garbage
It don’t look good.
Don’t look for a solution
When there’s nothing there...
Just give an inch of ground
If there’s something to spare...

Verse 2
Flashing red lights…
A car stuck in the cold…
Homeless man sleeping
Under a bridge by the road.
A child goes to bed
With nothing to eat;
She can’t sleep when she hears
people fighting in the street.

Verse 3
A drive by shooting…
A hit and run car…
An Amber Alert
They won’t get far.
A crime scene photo…
Yellow tape, “Don’t Cross;”
She was just a little girl…
Another life lost,

Verse 4
A police shooting…
Stand up for Black Lives…
How soon do they forget?
How many more die?
The police killed him…
We heard it on the news;
It only takes one spark
To light the fuse.

I hope you enjoy this song.

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