Our Day With An Appalachian Trail Thru Hiker Elizabeth Pearch - SPUN CANDY

3 years ago

Elizabeth put out an announcement the beginning of 2021 that she was preparing to hike the Appalachian trail. Lisa and I began watching her YouTube videos the very day she Began uploading them. At the time of this video she has vloged and uploaded a total of 93 videos.

I encourage you to go on and watch her videos from the beginning.
We met several other thru hikers that day and have included their social media information for you as well.

We were so thankful to have met her as she navigated her way through Pennsylvania 9n the Appalachian Trail.

#appalachiantrail #appalachiantrailmagic #elizabethpearch #appalachiantrailthruhike #randomadventures2.0

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