Psychedelic (R)evolution: A Call for Unity

3 years ago

Inspired by a recent conversation between Ben Shapiro and Russel Brand that I discovered while perusing Youtube this morning, I decided to make an offering of my own in the same spirit of cultural transcendence, and sound my own dire reveille, calling all to arms and order. The tides are swelling, and converging; chaotically, and from all directions. This moment is a cultural singularity, and we must learn to perform analysis and synthesis in unison. We must react with perfect concision, in thought and deed alike, if we hope to constrain the chaos to symmetry and order, and thus, create beauty. But don't worry. It will be fun and satisfying. Half of our tools are psychedelics, and the rest mostly involves bearing witness to the sum total of human history crystalizing into a meaningful, purposeful, and harmonious, moment. If, that is, we are game to play our parts.
The people who are generally in opposition to each other at the current juncture will be found to have more common ground, both evident and abundant, than otherwise. It is only a matter of a minute adjustment in perception that is needed to bring this into focus. Division is a necessary prerequisite for the acquisition of unity. And so, having experienced division, thus fulfilling the requirements set forth by our postulate, we may then step into the bright white light of Unity.
Cognitive bias, along with a handful of other psychological mechanisms, must be addressed if this journey into individual and collective unity is to have any hope of realization, however. These are particularly pernicious, rooted as they are in our very survival instincts. But, as they no longer serve us, we must root them out, and subject them to the de-emphasis and de-evolution upon which they insist. We will dissolve them with acid, and ayahuasca, but we must bring them to full conscious awareness first. Otherwise our medicines wont know what they are looking for, and neither will we.
There are several flavors of bias, and we will isolate and annihilate them all.
Oh, and some crypto updates.
Gotta' get rich and consolidate some power among the IllumiGnated.
Wen hybrid Lambo?
Looking like July.

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