The CCP are killing our young people, we must EXPOSE their plan.

2 years ago

Our young people are being murdered by the plans from Beijing, Xi Jin Ping, Wang Qi Shan and Wang Yi revel in the "success" of how they are getting more and more illicit drugs into America and causing an unprecedent level of overdoses, especially among our 18 year olds, these things do not just happen by "chance" or as Xi Jin Ping argues, "You Americans have the drug problem." He said this to President Trump as if we are the ones with the problem, not them as they work to pour illegal drugs into our country. This is all part of the same diabolical multifacted plan to destroy us. Keep praying Christians, our goals should be clear.
1. EXPOSE the plan
2. EXPOSE the traitors here in the US who are complicit with the CCP.
3. Punish everyone who was involved with this diabolical plan and get out country back on the path of growth and success.
4. For me (and you too) it is to pray, preach the gospel and we will will have reason to praise God in this generations. This will ONLY happen when we see "The Dragon in the Room" Chinese Communist leaders are the masterminds and punish those who work for profit from these evil beast from Beijing.
April 23, 2022 Memphis, Tennessee

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