Great Reset & 2 Blogs I'm Reading, February 9, 2022

2 years ago

I continue researching and came across this blog which comes with a ** WARNING ** as it may be difficult for some. https://cathyfox.wordpress. com/ (Delete the space after the period please). And I suppose fascinating is a very poor choice of wording but for those that know me, I dig and dig and dig.

I also like to share another blog that I've been reading for a few years, and again, it may not align with your beliefs which I also caution. https://truthscrambler. com/ (not direct links, sorry). I try to look at all angles, even the most upsetting as we didn't get here by accident. It's been a long-time game plan by those who want to plunge us all into darkness, whether we believe it or not, certain people do. (I hope this makes sense. Angels versus demons, good versus evil.)

I'm still writing, 16,000 words, and I have some night footage coming plus the other day the orbs were in the bright sunny sky. It always gives me relief knowing despite all this darkness many suffer through, there is light, there is hope.

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