Communication Breakdown? No Fear. Prepare for the Pub and others to be 'candle lot for a bit ' 🗽🌆

2 years ago

Led Zeppelin - 'Communication Breakdown'

No Fear! 😎

Rumblers, Please get connected to email of your treasured channels.

ASAP, if you will.

Do I am need to say more?
Probably not, however...

There will be attacks and outages on Rumble, etc.

Get on the email lists of those content providers who offer it.

Trials started this past week.
'Birth pangs' that will increase.

Please do not let the rat bastards isolation you from your news sources!!!!

This is all I can offer you.

My apologies to actual rats... Sorry, it is a phrase 'rat bastard'.

All Glory to God Almighty Jesus.

The tide is turning to Justice.
Now is the time to paddle the hardest toward the ocean or into land...
Whichever direction you are going, Now, Use this tide to crush Humanity's Oppressors.

Good 'tidings' (hmm? that's curious 🦧) Are Not the time to relax..

This is indeed the time to put in All our Resolve to win this race!

All or Nothing?

Let us not stop ahead of the finish line and rejoice that we are a lap ahead.
Let us burn up the track until the race is Complete.

(Tortoise 🐢 and the Hare 🐇 ? Yes?)

No survivors, no quarter to the enemy.
Did we not learn this from WWII?

We kept a few of the Nazi Monsters as pets to Utilize them for our gain.
How did that work out?
I feel that the Slave has become the Master...
For the moment..

Time to put that rabid dog to sleep 😴
Y'all decide for yourselves.

God bless you and your loved ones all good Patriots of God's given Freedom for Humanity 🦅.

Prepare yourself for communication alternatives.

Immediately is a good time ⏱️
Just sayin...🤠

Love y'all 🤠👩‍🦱🏄

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