Episode 345: Demise of US: Christians Vs. Foundational Biblical Christianity, Whose Morality is it?

2 years ago

See full description with resources at: https://bit.ly/3K7ajMD

The demise of US are the mess of Christians Vs. Foundational Biblical Christianity thereby asking, Whose Morality is it anyway?

This week I have you look into the mirrors of history with a focus on 1782. At this time we can see the parallels of economic turmoil, increased luxuries for the wealthy, control by large corporations by using foreign imports over local manufacturing. We also see the envy of the general population looking at the elite. Worse, we see the demise of morality, Foundational Christian principles, common courtesy as well as the harm of Constitutionalism by the suffrage (the votes) of the people.
Compounding this is the generational shift to the influence of lack Reformation theology and the slow rot beginning of the social gospel.
Our present began in 1782.

Now as an obscure historian, I will reveal a new nugget. The deep rooted reason the Anti-federalists argued against the Constitution of 1787.

Program outline: @ https://bit.ly/3K7ajMD

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