BIG NEW We are Finally Closed! | Day in the life full weekend at the homestead | April 2022

2 years ago

The day finally came! The day we have waited our whole lives for it seems. This homestead is officially ours. We closed on it! We also spent the day shopping my favorite store. Aaron tried a new barber. The girls died Easter eggs. We smoked some pork butt. My son wrecked his truck. The starter went out and we had to push start our truck.
Join us for a very very full weekend. Things don’t always go as planned, but we survive.

We invite you to follow this and all our adventures, as we pursue a more simple way of living in Alaska. Building our own modern homestead and all that comes with that adventure.

You can find more day in the life and other homestead happenings videos in this playlist.

You can reach us at:

USPS at P.O. Box 879244 Wasilla AK 99687

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