Trump Is Toast

2 years ago


This video of Donald Trump bragging and taking credit for the vaxx is the ultimate Red Pill.

He claims that he "saved millions of lives" by accelerating the release of the vaxx through Operation Warp Speed.

Is he talking about the clot shot, with over 2 million reports of adverse events and nearly 37,000 deaths, estimated to be only 1-10% of the actual figures?

There has never been a more deadly vaccine unleashed upon the world. What is he talking about?  

Some Trump aficionados believe that Operation Warp Speed upended the precise planning of the Deep State and that by releasing the vaxx early, he really did save millions of lives from an economy dismantled by 5 years of lockdowns.

The argument is that he prevented major loss of life from years of siege warfare via lockdowns, such as what's now happening in Shanghai.

But why, having successfully saved millions of lives two years ago would Trump still have to remain cryptic about the vaxx and why would he still have to speak in code about it today?

With all of these injuries and deaths attributed to the vaxx, why wouldn't he use his influence to discuss shutting the whole thing down, along with the associated vaxx passports? 

Remember the time Trump defunded the WHO?

Did someone pay Trump to take a dive or is he angling for the Branch Covidian vote?

Like virtually all of his base, I don't want to live in a future where vaccination status is a topic of discussion, let alone the new operating system of a dystopian financial system/metaverse.

Trump sounds like a bribed vaccine salesman in this video. He couldn't be more tone deaf and abusive of his base, many of whom were force-vaxxed and who've been injured and lost loved ones.

In our endless hellscape of non-stop PSYOPs, we've learned a lot in recent years. If there's one thing I would really love to see is communications that are true, clear and not oozing with duplicitous mind rape at all times.

As Owen Shroyer says here:

"Here he is, admitting his base doesn't like the vaxxine – but yet, he's trying to double-, triple-, quadruple-down on it, saying, 'I'm fully the one to blame for the vaxxine'?

"I mean, that is a losing argument, Bro!

"So, are we supposed to believe that this was Donald Trump's baby, this vaxxine? Are we really supposed to believe that this was Donald Trump's baby?

"Does he not see how mis-measured of a stance that is to take?

"Now, if that's accurate, that's a whole 'nother can of worms to open...

"He's clearly not going to back down on this. He's going to go to his political grave with this and it's a horrible mis-measurement."

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