Unmasking the superpower

2 years ago

Global Times Video: Unmasking the superpower - Ukraine crisis instigator, instability brewer, “vampire” in the war, Cold War conspirator, poison disseminator, human rights destroyer, “Voldemort” of global order... We show you how the US abuses its superpower status by creating trouble in the world.
中國環球時報 - 揭開超級大國的面紗 - 烏克蘭危機的煽動者,不穩定的製造者,戰爭中的“吸血鬼”,冷戰陰謀者,毒藥傳播者,人權破壞者,全球秩序的“伏地魔”......我們向您展示美國如何濫用其超級大國 通過在世界上製造麻煩來獲得地位

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