Automated Tesla Crashes Into $3 Million Jet After Owner Activates ‘Smart Summon’

2 years ago

A video posted to Reddit shows a Tesla vehicle crashing into a $3.5 million private jet. The car’s owner activated Tesla’s “Smart Summon” feature that enables Model Y vehicles to leave a parking space and navigate around obstacles to its owner. Whoops!

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So this is a nice appetizer to our Elon Musk discussion um he continues to experiment with self-driving cars even though it seems like all technological experts in this field say that the technology is far away. I mean tesla's literally killed people trying this technology out, but the board shareholders find this kind of stuff really sexy it's like the endless discussion about lab meat that we're eventually going to create even though that technology is really far away as well, but it's sexy for venture capitalists and I'm sure that this is the kind of thing that Elon musk proselytizes to the shareholders and those board meetings. Do we have this here yeah so I'm going to put up Alex's tweet first and I'll play it from the actual video but I do think it is an interesting little conspiracy theory to try to push a little bit that Twitter is fighting back by training its algorithms on Tesla and anti-Tesla tweets yeah because it's based on your retweets and then the captions: “lol someone tried to summon their tesla via autopilot at an aviation trade show and it crashed into a three million dollars jet.”

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