Doctor Blocks Lifesaving Treatments Without A Negative CV 19 Test

2 years ago

Aurora West Allis Hospital phone number (414) 328-6000 Has isolated my mom Kim Horning because she refuses a CV 19 test, and will not administer several life-saving treatments. They also said she's not allowed to have visitors since she refused the test and put her down as CV 19 positive. What attorneys can I call? Aurora West Allis Medical Center (414) 328-6000

Here is my Facebook Post

My mom is on SSDI and I take care of her, the hospital is refusing to share what medications she’s on, even though she asked that I get added to her care plan. I talked to her nurse on the phone with my mom present and we explained that I take care of my mom and that I need to be advised of all medications and medical treatments for my mom. The hospital is refusing to share treatments and all medical records including her charting.

I received a panicked call from my mom yesterday at 7:33 am, I dropped her off at the ER at 6 pm the following night. They had been refusing her treatment all night because she was refusing the CV 19 test. The doctor got on the phone and told me he will not administer several lifesaving treatments if we don’t agree to the CV 19 test and that if she dies it’s our fault. My mom then called me back at 7:56 am, she stated that the doctor said that she was no longer allowed to talk to me or have visitors and she was screaming don’t let them kill me, and don’t want to die. She then said they are moving her to a different room and that I was not allowed to come to visit her. My Son Max and I then tried to visit her at 7:30 pm, we were approved because, in the computer, she is not technically in isolation. I got an approved visitor card only to be denied access by 3 security guards.

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