2 years ago

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We upload the best Dota 2 gameplays on youtube. If you're looking to learn from the best dota 2 players in the world through their perspective.

Player on this video: OG.Ana
Who is Ana? According to, Anathan Phan is an Australian professional Dota 2 player. He is the first australian to have won a Valve-sponsored event. On August 25, 2019, he becaume the first two time TI-winner, after consecutively winning TI8 & TI9. He achieved it with Notail, Ceb, Topson & Jerax. He also popularized Io as a position 1 hero and made an unbeatable record of 6-0 in "The International".

OG.Ana Dotabuff:

Hero on this videos : Drow Ranger

According to , Traxex, the Drow Ranger, is a ranged agility hero whose greatest assets are her incredible damage and ability to keep threats at bay. Traxex is a carry who, though lacking survivability, provides a worthwhile contribution through her damage alone. With her incredible physical damage and intense slow, the Drow Ranger can be extremely powerful at any point in the game.

As an agility hero, Traxex's damage is based largely on her basic attacks and is among the greatest largely due to the massive amounts of bonus proc damage she gains from her passive ultimate, Marksmanship, which also provides bonus Agility to nearby ranged heroes, while boosting her own Agility at the same time. Despite her lack of escape spells, Drow Ranger can keep herself relatively safe from enemy spellcasters and melee heroes using her Gust, Multishot, and her Frost Arrows, respectively. Frost Arrows infuses her attacks with ice, greatly slowing down her enemies. Since it can be manually cast, Frost Arrows can be used to harass her foes in the early game without drawing the creeps' attention. Gust is a great counter to enemy spellcasters as well as melee heroes as Gust pushes heroes away from Drow and prevents them from casting spells, who might threaten her life in battles. Multishot is excellent to chip away at multiple foes at once from a large distance (while also applying Frost Arrows). Position is of utmost importance as Traxex is quite vulnerable in close combat and the proc damage bonus from Marksmanship is removed when enemies come near her. This means she struggles against melee heroes with high mobility.

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