Unusual, Little-known Musical Instruments - Ransingha

2 years ago

As YK Murthy writes in an internet article for the Antiques Home Museum website, the copper, curved ransingha trumpet is an updated “royal and vintage tool.” It includes portions, the upper dhaturo and the narrower decrease section, the dhopbana. These portions are adorned with five brass trims. Joined with each other, the 2 pieces form an “S”-fashioned trumpet.A cord strung on hooks on the top and lower ends of the dhaturo is sensible in addition to decorative. When the ransingha isn't being played, the dhopbana is inserted into the dhaturo, and the cord is hung on a nail in the wall. The twine additionally allows the musician to carry the tool. It hangs on the player’s shoulder, the trumpet’s “curved phase” resting at the back of the musician’s shoulder.

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