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Do You Need Rotifers in Your Aquarium?

2 years ago

In the wild Rotifers eat detritus, dead bacteria, algae and protozoans. These little ones are an excellent medium for getting HUFAs (High Unsaturated Fats) into your baby fish when working on breeding projects. Lots of small reef fish and corals can snack on them as well. They can also serve as a microscopic clean up crew in addition to a snack.

Get the Live Food Course: https://www.aquapparel.com/courses/how-to-grow-live-food-for-your-reef-aquarium-at-home/

Apparel for people who are passionate about marine life and conserving it: https://www.aquapparel.com/shop/

Get good news from the conservation front: https://www.aquapparel.com/category/conservation-wins/


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