Endocalyx Pro Clinically Shown to Regenerate Endothelial Glycocalyx Function

2 years ago

The secret to anti-aging is regenerating glycocalyx function. The glycocalyx is an anti-aging micro-thin protective gel layer that lines the inside of all blood vessels throughout your body, including your vital organs. It lines every artery, vein, and capillary in your body. Placed end-to-end, scientists estimate the capillaries—making up 99% of your circulatory system—would extend 60,000 miles, enough to go around the earth two and a half times. It’s this 99% of your vascular system that you should be focused on today for anti-aging solutions. For years, medical science has focused on the 1%. But after years of study, researchers from around the world know that your glycocalyx breaks down because aging, poor diet, lack of exercise, genetics, stress, and smoking.

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