The lives of rescue horses. The photo is of Cleo, the bigger horse, the day she came to me years ago

3 years ago

The horses enjoying the sunshine with their winter rugs off.
This video is made to show the lives of Penny and Cleo today and to give a glimpse of what their lives were before they came to me. It's an emotional journey using music changes culminating in the end frame. It's an attempt to give people the experience of these horses, the contrast with their new lives and the old forgotten, abused and neglected life. It's longer than the usual, so for people wanting a fast hit, it won't be for you. If you want an emotional journey, please watch and leave a comment to let me know how/if it affects you.
Penny is nearly 30 and Cleo is in her 20s.
The photo at the end was taken of Cleo on the day she first came to us.
These two girls have been best buds for years now and I committed to giving them the best lives possible.

We're in the middle of winter and it's getting down to 2 degrees C overnight and we have frost. Penny and Cleo are rugged 24/7 for now.
They are fed adlib hay a mix between lucerne/alfalfa and oaten. They also have access to either crushed oats or soybean meal. I empty out a whole bag at a time and they come and go from it and when it's eaten, I empty out another bag. They usually take a day to finish a bag. Sometimes it will last a bit longer. That's the three horses.

Arthur in the background is our latest addition and is still putting on weight. He has come a long way. Still needs some more weight, but is through the worse.

Check out the video of Arthur


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