The Tomorrow War: A Symbolic Spoiler Analysis

3 years ago

Here's my analysis of the symbolism in the new Amazon Prime film, The Tomorrow War, starring Chris Pratt. I couldn't help but notice the representations of different myths that renowned Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson loves so much. And the film demonstrates some of his 12 Rules for Life. Additionally, the final act of the film touches on symbolism from Christianity and 2nd Temple Jewish tradition regarding demons.

#TheTomorrowWar #JordanPeterson #Myth #Symbolism #TomorrowWarFilmReview #SymbolicAnalysis #JonathanPageau #LordofSpirits #MichaelHeiser #TomorrowWarMovieReview

Note: Clips from others' videos are used commentary and fall under Fair Use.
Jordan Peterson clip from his 2017 Maps of Meaning class lecture 7:

For more study:
Jonathan Pageau on the symbolism of aliens:
Check out The Lord of Spirits podcast with Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick and Fr. Stephen DeYoung wherever you listen to podcasts!
Michael Heiser's book Reversing Hermon: Enoch, the Watchers, and the Forgotten Mission of Jesus Christ (2017).

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