UFO activated

2 years ago

The earth rears up and new signs are in the sky.

Hi friends! The moment has come to find out how our Earth is groaning from all the pain that is happening on it! They sent me video frames where literally huge blocks themselves rise and move onto the road, breaking all the trees and even power towers!
Then I will show you your video frames that you send me from all over the World and they show great signs happening around us!
Of course, this applies to UFOs and strange luminous objects in the night and daytime sky! Also, one of my viewers sent me a video where he was able to fix the bridge coming from the Sun in different directions, which is called the RAINBOW BRIDGE and you can see it only with the help of special filters!
Also, the stars in the sky move very strangely and shine, which makes one think where it is not just stars, but intergalactic observation ships!
Maybe, of course, this is also a manifestation of energy portals to another UNIVERSE!
In general, sit back and watch these incredible video footage!

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