Red Meat is Healthy – 06

2 years ago

Now while we bicker over the relative superiority of animal versus plant proteins in the developed world, the capacity middle- and lower-income countries have to choose their nutrition sources depends on affordability and availability to populations often struggling to make ends meet. Pun not intended. This 2021 review article published in the Maternal & Child Nutrition journal makes the case that essential amino acids obtained from animal sourced foods are critical in ensuring optimal growth and development and avoiding the physical stunting that remains a serious problem globally in children aged under 5 years. They point also to micronutrients such as zinc, iron, iodine, magnesium, calcium, B-vitamins, vitamin A and vitamin D that supply building blocks as well as regulate the processes involved in growth and development.

Study Reference:

Parikh, Panam, Richard Semba, Mark Manary, Sumathi Swaminathan, Emorn Udomkesmalee, Rolf Bos, Bee Koon Poh et al. "Animal source foods, rich in essential amino acids, are important for linear growth and development of young children in low‐and middle‐income countries." Maternal & Child Nutrition (2021): e13264.

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