Del Bigtree - Feigned 'Anti-Vaccination' proponent & Antichrist Jesuit Coadjutor

2 years ago

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." - Vladimir Lenin (Jesuit educated)

Facebook Page - Unity of Boulder Church
Interdenominational Church
Unity of Boulder is a family spiritual center emphasizing healing, community, love & universal spirituality for everyone.

Del Bigtree - son of Jack Groverland

According to Reverend Jack Groverland, what sets Unity apart from other Christian denominations is that Unity acknowledges an omnipresent Christ Consciousness who guides, heals and transforms people from within through knowledge or self and practicing a loving consciousness. In Unity theology, the 'second coming of Christ' is the awakening of Christ Consciousness in any individual. Thus, the Kingdom of God is where Jesus said it was, within us (Luke 17:21).

Through the spiritual guidance of Jack Groverland, Senior Minister, along with his daughter, Syntysche Groverland who is Unity of Boulder's Associate Spiritual Leader, our weekly spiritual messages cover topics such as the Law of Attraction & Maniesting Abundance in Your Life, the 5 Spiritual Principles of Unity, the Bible's Apocryphal Teachings, Lessons from A Course in Miracles and a deep dive into developing a nurturing and healing spiritual practice in your personal life.

*"Thus, the Kingdom of God is where Jesus said it was, within us (Luke 17:21)." - Origins of this twisting of scripture and devilish warped doctrine is Rome,


Antichrist unbiblical doctrine espoused in many churches and institutions,
1. Knowledge or self (ye shall be as gods, Gen 3:1-6 KJV)
2. Christ Consciousness (apotheosis and gnosticism)
3. Law of Attraction (1 Timothy 6:5 KJV: thinking gain is godliness)
4. 5 Spiritual Principles of Unity (unbiblical - 2 Corinthians 6:17 KJV)
5. Bible's Apocryphal Teachings (apocrypha is not truth nor biblical)
6. Lessons from A Course in Miracles (Witch Marianne Williamson false prophet)
7. Use of 'Vatican' modern version bibles - ESV, NKJV, NIV, ASV, RSV, et al.
8. Use of the term 'UNIVERSAL' (Definition = Catholic)

*Video thumbnail - Robert Kennedy Jr (Jesuit educated, at Georgetown Preparatory School, a Jesuit boarding school in North Bethesda, Maryland) with Del Big Tree.

*Rome is using its agents to control and 'unite the right' by design, against their controlled 'progressive left'... for bringing everyone back to counterfeit Christianity. There is so much talk out there of celebrities and leading figures who are now professing that 'everyone needs to come to Jesus'. However, their 'Jesus' isn't the biblical KJV Word of God, Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God, it is the Antichrist / the son of perdition. The push is on.

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." - Vladimir Lenin (Jesuit educated)

Vladimir Lenin was trained by the Jesuits in Geneva Switzerland, Lenin was given a safe way passage from Geneva up to Russia to spark the Russian Communist Revolution. It was Diego Bergen (German's ambassador to the Vatican during the Wiemar Republic) who provided Lenin a transport know as a sealed train.

Ledóchowski became the superior general of the Jesuits on February 11, 1915 but even before his election as leader of the order, he had served as a special counselor for Russian affairs at the Vatican. The RCC created communism and hardship (as all socialism) to create the solution of bringing everyone back to Rome. Jesuit Edmund Walsh’s mission, as delineated by Ledóchowski, was to first and foremost distribute aid to the suffering Russian people. Underneath this instruction was also the desire to win the people back to the Roman Catholic Church.

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