Puyo Puyo Tetris (Switch, US) - Endless Puyo - Practicing Stairs & L-Chaining - Feat. Random Dimming

2 years ago


Puyo Puyo Tetris (Nintendo Switch)

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Shoutouts to my Bro, JonBladen, for Allowing me to use his Switch to Practice some Endless Puyo on Puyo Puyo Tetris 1.

Also, My Apologies for the Random Screen Dimming at 5:00. I believe this might be due to the Laptop I was using, as it has a Faulty Display that Needs to be Replaced. I hope this won't affect the viewing for you guys, but I'll make sure Future Videos do NOT have this Problem.

If I'm honest, this Round of Endless Puyo COMBINED with a Recent Tournament I entered for PTG Weekly on Sunday REALLY made clear to me the Limitations of Stairs and L-Chaining.

Basically, Unless you plan your Transition Early (Something Kiyobi Insisted I start Doing) AND get the Right Pieces for your Stairs Transition, It's going to be difficult, if not IMPOSSIBLE to get a Chain Higher than 5 or 6.

Second, I tend to Fall Back into doing L-Shaped Chains in order to try and setup some kind of chain. But I've found that it has the exact same problem that Stairs-Chaining Has: You've got to get the right pieces or your Chain won't Work farther than 5 or 6.

Worst of All, In most Tourney Matches, Any Chains that are Less than 10 may as well be NOTHING compared to what Better Players can Straight-Up BURY you in. The ONLY way I can possibly defeat Higher-Ranked Opponents is to basically Build a Chain FASTER than my Opponent and HOPE they haven't got something to Counter With. Not a Good Strategy at all.

The Result? I was COMPLETELY Swept out of the PTG Sunday Tournament in 2 Matches to Void & kzN without even Winning a Round.

I've still got a long way to go, but thanks for watching.


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