Find out what everyone is asking without seeking for hours online - answerthepublic alternative

2 years ago

TopicMojo ( is an incredibly useful tool for finding out what questions are being asked about your topic of interest. It helps you create content that is actually useful by allowing you to directly answer the questions that people are asking. No point answering questions and writing content that nobody is interested in or wants.

An alternative to AnswerThePublic, TopicMojo allows for free searches each month in their free tier. So you do not even have to purchase this solution to get the benefits from it.

In this video we show you TopicMojo and how it all works to save you time researching relative content ideas for your target audience.

Do you use a topic clustering tool?
Do you use a question finder solution?
How do you do social listening to see what is currently trending?
Have you tried out TopicMojo? Have you tried AnswerThePublic? Which did you like the best and why?

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