Tucker Carlson Tonight 21 Apr 2022

2 years ago

The marxist MSM is driving black on black crime and black deaths on the road, in the 'hood all in the name of equity. The worst mayor in the US, Lori Lightfoot and California gets the spotlight but this is politically driven and every democratic led shithole is the same. It feels that we are watching the collapse of America and Western Civilization by extension. Rafael Manguel from the Manhattan Institute joins Tucker to discuss.
Kamala Harris comedy, again. She really is a piece of work and a gift to the GOP that just keeps giving.
CNN+ is shutting down and no one is surprised except of the idiot hosts at CNN. Schadenfreude!
Dr. Joseph Ladapo the Surgeon General of Florida joins Tucker to discuss the IIC regime's policy to mutilate underage children to celebrate transexualism.
Over a dozen food processing plants severely damaged or destroyed in the last month. This seems odd. I'd like to see the statistics on this. Coincidence of conspiracy. Jason Rantz joins Tucker to discuss the issue.
Col Douglas MacGregor joins Tucker to talk about how our tax dollars purchasing weapons for the Ukrainian oligarchs are disappearing on arrival. Watch as these weapons disappear and enter the black market. None of this is going to change the outcome, but it won't stop the neocons and the IIC from trying.

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