Hair Transplant Consultation #5 - Joe Tillman Reviews

2 years ago

Can you see what the problem is?

But first, I am not a doctor and my advice is not to be considered as actual medical advice. Always consult your doctor for surgical or medical advice.

Another hair transplant consultation, this time for this 38 year old male. The first thing this case illustrates is the need for detail. Too many hair transplant patients fail to give enough information for a truly accurate surgical assessment so hair transplant doctors need to rely on their experience to spot things that the patient didn't share, or maybe even wasn't aware of.

In this hair transplant consultation I review a case that is very common, a NW3V and the patient only want to talk about hairline and frontal third reconstruction. But is there enough donor hair to get the job done? Watch the video to the end to find out.

See the consultation where I talk about retrograde alopecia

Have you seen the world's only podcast about hair loss? Spencer Kobren's The Bald Truth With Joe Tillman

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The Bald Truth

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