At What Point Does Armed Resistance Occur – Miyagi Mornings Epi-131

3 years ago

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Here is the question on MeWe that led to this response. It is only a small portion of the comment the rest can be found in the comment thread of the post. It is stickied to the top of my MeWe Profile here -

MM topic? Jack, I've heard you wisely decry against foolish folks who would wish for some sort of violent insurgency. You've alluded, however, that there is a line that if crossed by the state could cause you to use firearms against them. I, myself, have been wondering where that line should be? I assure you there is no defeatist attitude here. I'm hard at work building my better life The events of the past few years, however, have certainly changed society for the worse.

This is a complex question and there is honestly no way to state exactly when it is justified, that is actually relevant to the discussion. I will have to tread lightly with my words on this one and may do a Flote or Odysee (both) more direct version in the future. Today though since this will also be on YouTube, I will measure my words quite carefully, which honestly we need to do here anyway.  This a subject where every minute of speech should have an hour of deep contemplation that proceeds speaking about it.  Sadly this is the exception in this realm rather than the rule. 

My belief is no matter where the ethical line lays, it may not matter. Either the nation will find a peaceful solution or it will not. A true breakdown and an armed response will likely proceed the line for most rational and ethical thinkers.

Meaning if there is ever a conflict, it will begin before most of us are ready to cross that line. At that point, it may very well be the case that you will be forced to choose a side. And I will end with this, I really pray such a day never comes. I honestly see a "ammical divorce" similar to the Soviet Union's break up as more likely in the current geo political climate. I also, as always reserve the right to be wrong. And will point out there are times when I say X will happen or X is 90% likely, or X is going to happen but the how is yet unknown.

On this topic, I want to be very clear, I don't know, and as of yet, no one does. Anyone saying they know, should not be sought for advice. As in my discussion yesterday, such people are either idiots, operatives or both and you don't want any of those associated with your networks. They should be shunned and lobed off like a gangrenous limb.

And finally I will leave you today with this quote...

I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity. ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower

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