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Final Fantasy 4: The After Years: Edward`s(Gilbert`s) Tale (Part 2/3) 1st playthrough

3 years ago

I made a blunder. Should have just grinded for "Bronze Tail" the moment i came out of the castle. Because you are so underpowered either way in the game at this tale (now you could argue to get magic items to throw like fire, lightning or blizzard spell in the shop... but i dont think it does that much difference). So in Part 1 of Edward`s Tale, it took forever to get to Kaipo haha. My bad on that one. So at end of the video, you see me get one Bronze Tail by grinding in the desert sand outside Damcyan castle. I would aproximately get "10 or 13 bronze tails". You need 20 in total if you want Gold Tail. Since a Silver Tail is there at New Moon phase in the Den where the bugs are in the room, right of Damcyan Castle.

There is one more Silver Tail, only if you dislike grinding. But its in Baron village, just fyi. Dont go inside Baron castle, otherwise story segment ends the game. So i avoid this since i forget. But its in the "inn" behind the guy, i think... if not then my apologies. I will show in next video either way.

So yeah. interesting mission!

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