Texas Mother Set For Execution; Evidence Suggests She Did Not Kill Her Child

2 years ago

On April 27, the state of Texas is scheduled to execute by lethal injection 53 year-old Melissa Lucio. In 2008, Lucio was convicted largely on the basis of a confession for the alleged murder of her two-year-old daughter, Mariah. Now her attorneys have filed a clemency petition to the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles. They point to evidence indicating that the child died from injuries resulting from an accident, not murder.

Image: Ilana Panich-Linsman for The Innocence Project

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Abolish the death penalty in general, because there are a lot of cases like this by the way. Yeah, I was going to say that the death penalty question is one that is a purity test of your basic seriousness. If you believe in the death penalty, I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you haven’t thought about it deeply. If you have thought about it deeply and come to that conclusion, I’m going to take you for a political enemy. It’s bad in a generic sense when you don’t have that law enforcement abuse l.ike a coerced t confession like that. But knowing that we do have these sorts of abuses is unbelievable that you would allow these sorts of agents to take these people’s lives. Even- say you were able to guarantee that everyone who got the death penalty is guilty of their crime—it’s a wrong position. It’s impossible to guarantee, in fact, we know that there are- there’s a very significant likelihood that the person being put to death is innocent and it seems like in this case.

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