SN1211: Cringeworthy Culture, Jab Journals Q1 & Usurping Humanity | Factions Of Freedom

2 years ago

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This is an information packed transmission that feeds upon itself meaning that every segment feeds into the next, in what I would hope, in a seemingly seamless way. While each episode is meticulously crafted and curated to expose the craziness of the week, this week's transmission topics aligned in a way that is almost self explanatory. It starts at home, and we show that, that through the gradual breakdown of social beliefs and moral standings, society can be eroded.

Indeed, the erosion is already occuring on more levels than the two mentioned above. The experimental gene-therapy that was so coersively pushed on the populous is beginning to take hold, as the data, studies and statistics coming out in relation to them is not only astonishing, but terrifying. We report on how the average age of the roughly ~800 athletes that have collapsed due to a cardiac event is about 23. These are the one's that have been caught and reported on.

Yet, the insanity doesn't stop there. There's an absolute purpose to this dehumanization and depopulation campaign: Transcendence. We delve into how people like Noah Yuval Harari are becoming widely known priests for the Globalists New World Order usurpation of humanity, and through the deliberate manipulation of humanity, these archfiends are trying to achieve their goal. Shows like this one make me love and hate my job at the same time.

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