The most powerful video I've seen in a long time.

2 years ago

The most powerful video I've seen in a long time.
No words needed.
Can't help but get choked up watching this & thinking back to everything you've ALL helped expose these last few years with these Pedophiles In Power.
You know why you're here.
Don't let the fraudulent Biden administration & their purposefully flawed policies distract you.
Laundering money is one thing.
The masses discovering they've been trafficking children, gets people pissed off, on their feet, & sharpening their swords.
The Biden's gaffs are a tool designed to syphon attention to try & buy the one thing they can't pull out of thin Aer & launder... Time.
Tik Tok...
Link to her page.
Tik Tok's been banning her repeatedly for years now, for her work in exposing Child Trafficking.

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