Snapchat normalize, condition, indoctrinate kids into Digital Babylon Hive Mentality. Pray for them.

2 years ago

Mocking Christianity; Accepting Satanism; Communism; Breaking Apart the Family; Embracing Sexual Deviance and Focus on Self; Sexualization of Children, Body Modification, Polygamy, Transhumanism, Altering DNA, Worship Creation Rather than the Creator 'Green' topics like Global Warming...And resisting parents.

Please remember, these are God's creations, and Jesus loves them. We are not to judge them, or mock them back. Please pray for them, that the holy spirit touches their hearts, or puts somebody into their lives that can help lead them to accept Jesus before it's too late. So with that understanding, know that I am not showing you these things to mock, I am showing you to inform you what your kids are being forcefed. The world is a very dark place. Protect your children, and share Jesus with them.

Love you all. God bless.

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