2 years ago


How: Read Hebrew letters from right to left. English left to right.

Pronounced: Chet Ayin Mem

Meaning: Circuitry of receiving for the sake of sharing.

Meditation: This Name helps me to receive when I share and to share when I receive. I can see the opportunity that sharing gives me and I am aware that when I receive with the right consciousness, I am also sharing. This is the circuitry of life. When I connect to it, I move out of the black hole and into the light.

Perspective - An unexpected gift or assistance from someone whom you helped in the past. Generosity and acts of good will with no expectation of immediate rewards. Charitable measures you take today are never in vain – you shall reap your rewards later on, and at the moment you’ll truly need it.
Direction - Take advantage of a prosperous point in time and give to others. Unconditional giving is part of the circle of life. Giving joyfully releases us from our own neediness, and extends our minds to the needs of others. “You make a living by what you get - you make a life by what you give.”
Bottom Line - You are going to be assisted by an unexpected source who feels grateful for things you have done in the past.

Chet.Ayin.Mem is a powerful amulet that will assist with unconditional joyful giving, showing gratitude and appreciation, loving God, and seeing yourself as an integral part of the circle of life.

#PearlStreetCafé #Trumpet88

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