#PS3 more #thermalcompound than you think, there was an unexpected mess inside + my #cat helped.

3 years ago

The tube of thermal compound / thermal paste was 4g worth I believe I needed 5g maybe 6g but my Playstation 3 is running a lot cleaner and cooler. It still connects to the Internet, PSN Network and the PSN store WickeD. 🤟

I wasn't expecting the filthy disgusting miss that I discovered within my Playstation 3
I received it years ago from my father, he traded a laptop for it, I do remember the guy agreeing pretty easily and if he caused this mess then I can understand why agreeing to this trade of a laptop for a PlayStation 3 that he thinks may be broken or is going to eventually give out because of this mess that was caused by someone . I personally Farrelly this enjoy, cleaning, dismantling consoles machines, things in general I find it therapeutic and knowing that when I'm using it, it is working partly based on my maintenance.

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