Reclaim Your Power

2 years ago

This is the year of the water tiger.

The element of 2022 is water, which means this will be an emotional year. Water tends to come with a lot of emotions. It’s not necessarily positive or negative - it just is. It’s us humans that place a meaning on things!

Are any of you water signs, water people, or just sensitive and emotional?
I sure am!🙋‍♀️

I've always been this way- emotional, very happy, enthusiastic, and passionate. In fact, my teacher put my in time out when I was in kindergarten for being too happy. -True story.

Over the years, so many people and experiences tried to dim my light and tone down my enthusiasm, but I always rise above and keep on shining because that is who I am. I won’t give my power away to other people or circumstances.

In Feb last year, I was actually having surgery on my left wrist, which now you'd never know!

In 2019, I had three surgeries. This all came after my near death experience 15 years ago, where I also had over half a dozen surgeries to repair or try to repair the damage that was done to me.

Over the years there were absolutely times that I suffered very much alone with depression and anxiety. The time it took me to rise above it took longer than I would have liked.

But the reason I always rise above, the reason I'm sitting here happier and more vibrantly healthy and well than ever before- even after so many surgeries and setbacks- is because I did the work.

It wasn't just about knowing my root causes and taking the right supplements and eating healing foods.

It was about the inside work. It was about turning inward to reclaim my power, peeling back all the layers of healing that I needed to work through.

And it was a lot of shit my friends.

But the only way out is through.

I've come a very long way on my healing journey and I consider myself at an advanced stage now, but you’ll never hear me say, “I'm done.”

I’m always unfinished because healing is a lifelong journey.

The very first step is the commitment, the investment that you make in yourself when you get support in your corner.

So head to the link in my bio and book your heal consultation, that is the pathway to entry to work with me in any capacity and get my private support.

I am sending you all so much healing and supportive energy today.

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