The SIGNS of Jesus’ Soon Return

2 years ago

Jesus promised He would return to earth to set up His physical earthly rule from Israel from where HE will rule over all the nations. The Bible tells us that He will return as King of kings with all His believers (saints) and holy angels from heaven to Jerusalem. That rule will be for a thousand years without ANY WAR, total Peace among the nations. But before that time comes there will be GREAT Tribulation on both believers and unbelievers. Maybe as many as two-thirds of the population will die at the hand of Satan, Sinners and Judgements. While Jesus does not tell us the exact hour on which date that He will return to bring Peace to the Earth, He does tell us the indicators that show us that the time is close at hand and the closer it gets, the more turbulent the world will become. It will only get WORSE before He returns to bring PEACE, Justice, Tranquility, Harmony (even within nature as well as mankind). This video covers SOME of the many prophecies regarding those indicators that must happen pointing to His return. Are YOU Ready for what comes BEFORE His return? Most will not be ready and will not make it alive before then. See my other video on Everyone Will Go to Heaven. For more info, feel free to contact me at

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