Waking Up To Your Life!

2 years ago

Waking Up To Your Life!
Featured expert: Harriet Turk



In an effort to cope with stress and anxiety, we begin to function on auto-pilot. Self-defeating thoughts or blocking out emotions to just “get through the day” become a habit. Friendships and social settings which could provide support also begin to suffer as we may be embarrassed, confused, or unable to explain what we are experiencing. In this presentation, Harriet teaches coping strategies to help you wake up and get back in the game of life!

Learning Objectives
• How to focus on what is in your control
• Strategies to transform your thoughts from “I can’t” to “I am”
• The importance of self-care before others-care
• Ways to develop and maintain helpful, healthy relationships

Speaker Bio

For more than 25 years, Harriet Turk has blazed a trail helping leaders, students, and organizations discover how to reach their full potential and be more successful. Her professional experience over the last two decades in the worlds of education and business are incredibly unique and unmatched. 

In the pharmaceutical industry, as Rookie of the Year and Top Sales Performer multiple times, Harriet developed and solidified her expertise in sales, customer service, and developing programs to increase employee loyalty. In the education sector, Harriet developed and implemented multi-million dollar leadership and alcohol/drug prevention programs for local and state level educational systems as the Youth Programs Coordinator for the Mississippi Governor’s Office of Highway Safety.

Today, Harriet is a sought-after speaker, consultant, and coach. Her areas of expertise are resilience, dealing with stress and anxiety, improving school/work culture, and living your best life. 

Email Founder & CEO, Laura Stack, at Laura@JohnnysAmbassadors.org

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