Chicago Police Officer Abandons Domestic Violence Victim Leaves Her Unarmed - Earning The Hate

3 years ago

#BlueLineHero #EarningTheHate #CowardCops #GoodLuckAmerica

I can't wait to hear the cops come here and defend this. ***PLEASE remember this when Govt Tells you that you DO NOT NEED A GUN TO PROTECT YOURSELF & ONLY GOVT SHOULD HAVE GUNS.
Watch the comments there will be cops saying he did good and poor cops are under too much stress and afraid to go to jail. THEN QUIT. Cops are getting paid good money and all they do is CRY about how hard it is but they DON'T QUIT.

CHICAGO (CBS) — A highly charged domestic police call was caught on surveillance video, involving a man with a gun and a woman hiding behind a police officer.

The officer then seemingly walks away.

As CBS 2’s Charlie De Mar reported Thursday night, the video has been placed at the center of a Chicago Police Department investigation.

A short recording from a Ring security camera was sent to our newsroom. It does not show the entirety of the incident.

But what you do see is raising questions, and the Chicago Police Department will not answer any of them – other than to say the video is the subject of an internal investigation.

The video is less than a minute long. On the left of the screen, you can see a Chicago police officer with his gun drawn while woman in pink positions herself behind the officer.

A man pointing a gun emerges from a behind a door and the solo officer retreats down the stairs. The woman asks if the man is going to shoot her.

At that point, the video ends.

The Chicago Police Department will not confirm why they were called to the apartment, what the conflict was, why that police officer was all alone seemingly without backup, and what happened after the officer booked it down the stairs.

But police scanner traffic does provide some information. A dispatcher indicates that a man “pointed the gun at (a) mother and (a) father multiple times” and was in the stairwell when police were called.

Meanwhile, the timestamp on the video – June 22 around 6 a.m. – matches the time and date of a SWAT call to which the CPD responded to near 69th Street and Oglesby Avenue in the South Shore neighborhood.

To be clear, the Chicago Police Department will not confirm if the video corresponds to the SWAT incident. But again, they are not answering any questions other than to say the video is under investigation.

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