Happy Doggies Enjoying the Beach

2 years ago

April 2022, Portsmouth UK

Charlie (grey with white legs) is 1½ years old. His sister, Millie (mostly brown), is 1 year old. Both are Whippets living with the same beautiful family. Charlie is more conservative, takes his time to trust people and was a little anxious during our 1st walk, but has since relaxed. Millie is quite outgoing and a Happy Doggy. Neither of them really love the rain, and it rained on our first 3 walks !!! LOL

Dids is a 4 years old Cavalier. We have been walking and sitting him for almost a month now. He is lovely and always extremely excited to be outside... We went to the beach - yay !!! Dids loves water and the beach and the pebbles and the waves and..... LOL He favourite thing is to save the bigger pebbles from drowning...

We have been walking Healey for over a month now. He is, a 5 years old Schnauzer. He is very inquisitive and will not hesitate to ask for treats if he thinks he deserves it... or he just wants one - LOL ! He is brilliant with other dogs when off-leash, and a little wary when on-leash.
He was named after Denis Healey, English politician with similar eyebrows :D

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