Proper pronouns please

2 years ago

Masks, to some a badge of honor
Inexcusable mental squalor
Follow the science is what they said
Until they found they'd been mislead

Scientists on left and right
Prove that Fauci did incite
Panic, fear, and worldwide chaos
That scheming liar did betray us

Get the shot, he told us all
But he told tales that were too tall
Just two weeks to flatten the curve
Our way of life it will preserve

Now here we are, just two years later
Homeless, jobless, divided haters
Them who're proudly vaccinated
And them that ain't because they waited

Black and white
Left and right
Never before
So quick to ignite

Those who're on the true blue team
Offended by a silly meme
Those that worshipped the orange man
Just as evil as the current plan

Cant you see, it's plain as day
For us who earn a workers pay
They all get richer while we stay
Violent, poor, and afraid to say

We've lost control, you can't deny
What will it take to open our eyes
Instead, we have the virtue signallers
The cancel culture silly gigglers

More concerned about pronouns
while across our country jobs leave towns
Oblivious to the world that's burning
From our devices, pollutions churning

Rotting brains and stealing souls
Leaving angry hate-filled holes
Its time the blind remove the mask
There is still time to share this task

To take our world back from the few
That profit from this angry stew
Just two letters start the show
A simple word, and that word is NO!
Brad Dawson

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