How to Avoid Being a Slave to Your Past with Chris Williams

2 years ago

Chris Williams is an entrepreneur, husband, father to two boys, and a humble servant of God.

I recently had the opportunity to appear as a guest on Chris's show, The World According to Chris: a podcast for struggling entrepreneurs, corporate professionals, network marketers, and small business owners.

We talk about the usual fare—faith, family, and freedom—with an emphasis on Chris's role as the man of his household.

At one point, I ask him, "What would the world look like if fatherlessness wasn't a thing anymore?" He had a very interesting take on this issue, among many other important issues of the day.

Check out "The World According to Chris" at:

Got a question? Episode topic ideas? Just wanna say hi? Record your inquiry at and be featured a future episode!

00:00 - Episode Preview
02:05 - Introduction to Chris Williams
10:05 - Incorporating FAITH into your work
16:35 - How Chris helps "all men focus on GROWing up"
23:42 - How society would look if the fatherlessness crisis ended tomorrow
27:29 - The "secret" to a successful and long-lasting marriage
37:00 - Being fully present to your kids when both parents are entrepreneurs
44:26 - Why REST is underrated
49:53 - What's next for Chris?
53:30 - Chris's definition of a "sovereign human being"
58:03 - Why it's time to let the past go


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At a time when there seems to be no end to societal tensions around the world, almost everything is becoming politicized, and "censorship" and "cancel culture" have become buzzwords, we need more storytellers to rise and level a playing field that seems to be leaning one way over all others.

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