Dr Zelenko Battles Cancer To Get The Covid Cure To The World And The Trump Connection

2 years ago

For more information go to ⁣⁣https://vladimirzelenkomd.com/treatment-protocol/

⁣For legal reasons I can't tell you what my website is however it won't take a genius to add a dot com to my name. I also have a second website which I can tell you about which is ⁣https://secrethealthclub.com

⁣In response to any negative comments below, my observation as a health practitioner, is that people have been suffering from something that has symptoms which people call Covid. Observations are that ivermectin and many other materials, of course I prefer natural ones, can stop these symptoms in 24 hours. I don't like the viral theory, the venom theory sounds plausible but I can see that they are hitting us with everything from every side, and it's not one thing or another, it's loads of things...

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