2 years ago

Band: 30XX
Title: B-Side Obstruction
Released: March 13, 2015
Location: Tokyo [Japan]
Formed in: N/A


1. Deleted Alternate Reality [0:00]
2. Dissecting Inferior Humanoid Species [0:28]
3. Cybernetic Wizards Of 30xx [1:21]
4. Artificial Intelligence Loathes Humanity [3:28]
5. Trapped Within The Metaverse [7:35]
6. You Will Not Survive Without Your Cellphone [8:47]
7. Collapse Of Full [10:31]
8. Death Seed [12:04]
9. Holoscreens [13:06]
10. Journey To Soloris [13:42]
11. Adaptive Manipulator V1 [14:59]
12. Aspirations Decaying [15:21]
13. Hardcore Will Never Die But You Fucking Will [16:32]
14. Sex Android V1 [18:08]
15. Wintermute [18:33]
16. Boomer Violence [19:40]
17. Bannin-Omega [20:10]
18. Akira Ii V1 [21:13]
19. Destructive Failure [21:41]
20. Cyberscum Raver [22:25]
21. Cybernetic Kill Impulse V1 [23:04]
22. Cybernetic Replacement [23:26]
23. Human Exit V1 [23:58]
24. Corrosive Distortion V1 [24:32]
25. (Tetragrammaton) [24:54]
26. Neo-Tokyo V1 [26:03]
27. Future Ghost V1 [26:48]
28. Final Creation [28:04]
29. Closure [30:51]
30. Ice Lance [34:20]
31. What The Fuck Is This Shit I Must Have Been Really High [34:51]
32. Chill Penguin Is Chill [35:14]
33. Budapest Spliff Sesh [37:23]
34. 美久都利亜 (Live In Squamish B.C.) [39:28]
35. All Your Hopes Withered Away [42:14]

℗ & © 2022 30XX
All rights reserved.

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