Jason Rice Psychic Reading - Cosmic Disclosure supposed whistleblower SSP 20 and back ET stuff

2 years ago

Jason Rice psychic reading:
He is on Cosmic Disclosure and makes some bold claims about reptilians, humanoid aliens, galactic federation, Mars Germans, Nazi elite still in control of earth etc.

To book a private reading with me: http://psychictai.yolasite.com/

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My notes from this psychic reading: Jason Rice:
Machine gun on dusty ground battling, desperate for life.
Armor gear, resembles cyborg outfit. Military.
Holding up earth like marble, it’s just another marble. Creatures attacking him in memory.
Very calm, very collected, very balanced individual. Sad missing things from past no longer available. In acceptance of where he is now. Full of wild stories.
Keeping head low, trying to fit into society, enjoy for what it is. Simple life. Looking for security/stability. Unsure of future, happy integrating regardless. Individual. Kneeling before insectoid beings, they have granted him freedom from fulfilling duty. Caught up in agreements with collective of beings.
Headphones in, trying to read book, tune out craziness - call to arms.
Cosmic Disclosure: Lost, Difficulty expressing self - sick/dizzy/falling forward. Loosing consciousness. Afraid of story being questioned, unsure of self, looking behind him. Telling story is like gambling. Scared. Wanting to hide and maybe cry. Shaken up.
Sense of throwing himself on the ground to be crucified. Shy. Traumatized.
Winning board game, getting money. High five Jay Weidner. Sharpness in eyes from Corey Goode he wants to soften, moving backward in chair passively. Dr. Rober Wood - face white like seen ghost, confused, bewildered, deer in headlights, unsure what to think. Likes Ricardo Gonzalez and relates. Leaning back away from Emery Smith as if toxic (corporate interests) (“all aboard” boat misleading spirituality dot connecting) (twisting things around) (believes early stuff more plausible) (putting on show lying) (spiritual philosophy - blanket statements). Southern rocket guy - happy excited more talkative. David Wilcock - Bored rolling eyes.
Hiding some truth regarding affiliation of working for other interests, caught up in web of duty. Made deals.

Keep in mind this is for entertainment purposes only and there is always a possibility of what I am saying not being the whole picture. However, this is what has come through for me and what I believe to have truth within.

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