Happy 420! Marijuana: Medicine…or Madness?!?!?!?

2 years ago

"Marijuana makes negroes rape white women. You can spot the marijuana addict by the semen stains on his pants from constantly jacking-off when he can't find a rape vicitm." These are actual lines from marijuana hysteria films such as Reefer Madness. My how times have changed...or have they? Yesterday, while doing some research for this livestream I noticed some recent articles from the Wall Street Journal (I was on the cover of the WSJ in 2015, see if you can find it) and others with titles like "Marijuana, it may be more dangerous than you think," that warned that the connection between marijuana and violence, for example, "needs more study." Of, course no study or data was mentioned, with "may be" being the operative phrase throughout. Obviuosly, the propaganda machine is till in effect. Meanwhile, back at the lab...
The internet is littered with articles that cite ACTUAL stuidies describig the plethroa of benefits of responsible marijuana use, physical, psychological, and emotional. In fact , calling marijuana the most useful plant on Earth is no exxageration. Individual alkaloids have been isolated and studied, and some of these, many without psychoactivity, have been integrated into products intednded to provide relief from anxiety, insomnia, inflation, and a host of other issues. Marijuana has been with us for thousands of years, and it isnt going anywhere. This afternoon we will blaze and laze while we consider this plant from every possible angle.


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