Grip6 Workbelt | Field Test and Review

2 years ago

#grip6 #workbelt #beltreview

Grip6 is an American Manufacture and Distributor of several products of their own design. The Grip6 Belt was the first product to come to life only to be followed by a mechanical minimalist wallet and then a line of wool socks.

My first experience with the company products were a pair of their Approach XT – Wool Ankle Socks. As an avid hiker and backpacker, I know that taking care of your feet on those long pounding trail miles is super important. Protecting your feet starts with that soft barrier between your foot and the shoes you choose to wear. In my experience, there is nothing better for your feet than a good pair of wool socks. I can’t say I was in the market for a new brand, I really like my Smartwool’s, but I wanted to get some ankle socks and I liked what I was seeing from Grip6. So, I purchased a pair and shared my initial review. These are fantastic socks and I highly recommended them to my audience. Dare I say, Darn Tough and Smartwool, must be shaking in their *cough* socks. There’s a new player in town and they have made a name for themselves. These are an amazing alternative to those popular brands.

Grip6 appreciated my review and was kind enough to send me their 1.5-inch Standard width and their 1.75-inch Workbelt as a thank you with a request to review the belts as well. To be completely honest, I was already eyeing the belts and even the wallets, so that was a very nice surprise. To review a product, you have to test it or put it to work in order to get a real honest opinion of the product.

Well, the standard 1.5-inch width belt has been worn on many hikes and it has done an amazing job keeping my pants on and where they needed to be after 10 hours on the trail. But how was I going to test the Workbelt? I work in an office for a living; however, I am a bit of a craftsman, so there had to be a way. The following video shows the “On the Job” review and field test of the Workbelt. It gave me an opportunity to use it all-day long, while building a much-needed rolling sheet goods rack for my garage/wood shop.

If you are interested in any of the Grip6 products, please visit or make a purchase from Amazon.

Music featured in this video:

Jo Wandrini

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