Reaction Wheel Permanent Magnet Boat with Lego Tire

2 years ago

This is what came out of the reaction wheel and magnet boat attempts.
It can be seen that when the north end of the magnet points east the boat moves a little bit west and south. When the north end of the magnet points west the boat (south of the magnets) moves a little bit west and north. In the back and forth motion the boat makes its way west at increasing speed ending at about 6 inches per minute.

The magnets would stay in one place and the only the boat would move if the boat had no mass but if the boat were very massive the magnets would move around it without much effect but since it is somewhere in between the net effect is that the boat moves a little bit with each swing.

The left side of the screen is the Earth's north and of course the 4 half inch neo magnets on the boat's rim interact with Earth's magnetic field just as a compass only a very powerful one.

Stay tuned:)

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