Who Am I?

2 years ago

Murky Soul? Can’t see who you are anymore? Looked in the mirror and saw a reflection of yourself, who you did not recognize? Lost your identity in Christ? Have you ever looked in the mirror and did not recognize yourself because you have such a thick façade over your soul? Who Am I? Do you know the answer to that question? Can you speak it with confidence? Sometimes we get so attached to something that God has not put on our plate and it exhausts us as we lose ourselves in someone else’s cause. Do you feel like you are being who someone else wants you to be, and you have lost yourself? Are you wasting time standing in the light of someone else’s glory? We all have a mission that we are uniquely designed for, and sometimes we are so afraid of rejection that we never step out in it, we ride the coattails of someone else’s identity. Who Am I? Have I put my identity wholly-holy in Christ? What causes do you have on your shoulders that are not about you, the you who God has created you to be, but all about chasing approval of others? We need to get back to the basics and learn about our personal identity in Christ, so we can start reflecting His glory and deflect all the distractions that keep us from developing our personal God shape that leads to our destiny. Who Am I? What is my design? What is my shape? Ask God and ask Him to peel off all the layers we have applied so we can become what God sees as His finished masterpiece. Who Am I? Get back to the basics of just You and God and let Him be the reflection in the mirror. Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/back-to-the-basics/

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