Teen Angst

2 years ago

A recent study shows that the number of teens who reported they were persistently sad jumped from 26 to 44 percent from 2009 to 2021. The left gets it wrong or just plain lies about why this is happening. Much of the teen angst comes from the brainwashing they get from the perverted left. The left wants to get young people enslaved by their sexual passions so they will be easier to control overall. It is a total sham to tell young people that their identity comes from a certain letters they they have made up to describe sexual perversion. The brainwashing is overwhelming young people causing much confusion, which thus creates angst and depression among young people.
The left though claims that young people are depressed because they are bullied because of their "sexual identity." No, they are depressed because they are living a lie.
Society needs to get back traditional moral values. That is what is actually needed to lift the sadness form young people.

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