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Russia Just Dropped a Bombshell Biden Exposure!

2 years ago

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  • 0/2000
  • Thank you Lisa.

  • We know it, they know it. They know we know they know it.

    1 like
  • Not my president, actually no one’s! These people who cover for him are just as sad!

    1 like
  • I hope he faces military trial while he can still understand some of what he’s done!

    1 like
  • There's nothing wrong here he shaking hands with his voters here 3:12.

    1 like
  • Claims are via Media, Old Dementia Joe is running to the potty, while Obama reigns the basement. Dementia Joe told Obama, We're running again in 2024! .. truth or dare? not sure.

    1 like
  • His face alters a lot. Not speaking of expressions either. Are some of these clips " augmented theatrics" CGI, latex? deep fakes. His features, hairline, aren't the same.

    1 like
  • rUmOuRs ThAt rEsIdENt ObIdEn HaS dEmEnTiA Is RuSsIaN dIsInFoRmAtIoN.

    1 like
  • Lisa, Russia is now saying what you have been saying all along. Does that make it Russian Collusion? Someone needs to tell Hillary! ..... Jus Kiddin!

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