Gaslight this part two: Projecting and problem solving do not mix”

2 years ago

Yesterday I wrote a post about gaslighting as well as produced a podcast on that topic entitled, “Gaslight this: Projecting and problem solving do not mix”. I need to clarify that gaslighting occurs only under circumstances where someone is being falsely accused, or mischaracterized. However, if you are pointing out damaging behaviour to someone whose conduct is affecting you negatively, particularly when it is habitual, that is not gaslighting. This is simply giving the other party an opportunity to reflect on their behaviour. If upon reflection, they become angered by your assertiveness then you're likely looking at someone who refuses to alter their negatively behaviour which is likely to be their patterned manner of responding to criticism. When this occurs, if at all possible, you must distance yourself from that person since this behaviour is harmful to both themself as well as to others. Recognize that the only person whose behaviour you can change is that of yourself. If the other party refuses your warning, it's sayonara time.

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